- A. Pownuk, Solution of Algebraic Equations by Using Autonomous Computational Methods,
Abstracts of the 25th AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, Virtual Conference, September 12-13, 2020.
[ pdf file - presentation, part 1 ]
[ pdf file - presentation, part 2 ]
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- A. Pownuk and Jose Gonzalez, Solution of Algebraic Equations by Using Autonomous Computational Methods,
Abstracts of the 25th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 2, 2019.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ pdf file - presentation ]
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- A. Pownuk, I. Skalna, C. Melton, and Hyung Kyung Yi, Solution of Algebraic Equations by Using Self-Adaptive Computational Methods and Machine Learning,
Abstracts of the 24rd Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 6, 2019.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ pdf file - presentation ]
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- A. Pownuk, Applications of Autonomous Computational Methods for Finding Step-by-Step Solutions,
Abstracts of the 23rd Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 3, 2018.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ pdf file - presentation ]
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- A. Pownuk, Applications of Self-Adaptive Computational
Methods in Online Learning, Abstracts of the 22th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 7, 2018.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, I. Skalna, and J. Quezada, Guaranteed Bounds for Solution of
Parameter Dependent System of Equations, Abstracts of the 22th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 7, 2018.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, J. Quezada, I. Skalna, M. V. Rama Rao, and A. Belina,
Which Method for Solution of the System of Interval Equations Should we Choose?
Abstracts of the 21th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics,
Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 4, 2017.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk and J. Quezada, A Posteriori Error Bounds for Two Point Boundary Value Problem with Uncertain Parameters, Abstracts of the 20th Sixteenth New Mexico Analysis Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, May 21, 2017.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, I. Skalna, and J. Quezada, Solution of the Wave Equation
with Interval and Random Parameters, Abstracts of the 20th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 8, 2017.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk and V. Kreinovich, Why Linear Interpolation?, Abstracts of the 20th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexic, April 8, 2017.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, Combining Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainty
in Engineering Applications, Abstracts of the 19th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 5, 2016.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ pdf file - presentation ]
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- A. Pownuk, Approximate method for computing the sum of independent random variables, Abstracts of the 17th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 7, 2015.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, Fast algorithm for finding lattice subspaces in
and its implementation, Abstracts of the 16th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, Texas, April 11, 2015.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ pdf file - presentation ]
- A. Pownuk, I. Skalna, Parallel Methods for Monotonicity Verification, Abstracts of the 13th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Saturday, April 6, 2013.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, I. Skalna, and N. K. Goud Ramunigari, Parallel methods for solution of equations with uncertain parameters, Abstracts of the 12th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, Saturday, October 27, 2012.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, Dependency Problem in the Modeling of Beams with Uncertain Parameters, Abstracts of the 11th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Saturday, March 31, 2012.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ pdf file - presentation ]
[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, Linear dynamics of an elastic beam and plate under moving loads with uncertain parameters, Abstracts of the 10th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, Saturday, November 5, 2011.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, Finite difference equations with the interval parameters, Abstracts of the 9th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, April 2nd, 2011.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, Finite difference equations with the interval parameters, Constraint Programming and Decision Making, El Paso, Texas, March 17, 2011.
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- A. Pownuk, J.I. Alonso, R.A. Casillas Pacheco, A. Chavez, D. Canales, S. Edmundo, and R.W. Arriaga, On-line applications in science and education, Abstracts of the 8th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences. El Paso, Texas, November 13, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- M.V. Rama Rao, A. Pownuk, and S. Vandewalle, Uncertain dynamic response of a simply-supported thin rectangular plate subjected to an impact load. Abstracts of the International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Leuven, Belgium, July 05-09, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
- A. Pownuk and M. Betkowski, Calculating risk of cost in civil engineering projects by using imprecise probability and HPC computing, Abstracts of the American Mathematical Society Meetings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Meeting 1059, April 17-18, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk, Adaptive Taylor series and its applications in the Interval Finite Element Method, Abstracts of the 7th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 3, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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[ link to Workshop ]
- R. Azizi and A. Pownuk, Parallel method for the solution of stochastic differential equations with the interval parameters, Abstracts of the 7th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 3, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- R. Casillas and A. Pownuk, Parallel web computing, Abstracts of the Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference, The University of Texas at El Paso, Texas, March 5-6, 2010.
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[ link to Conference ]
- D. Canales and A. Pownuk, Applications of parallel computing to the solution of equations with the random parameters, Abstracts of the Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference, The University of Texas at El Paso, Texas, March 5-6, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Conference ]
- A. Pownuk, Online Homework Assignments and Visualizations in Modern Teaching of Numerical Analysis, Sun Conference on Teaching and Learning, Poster, March 4-5, 2010, The University of Texas at El Paso, Texas, USA.
[ pdf file - Poster ]
- J. Alonso and A. Pownuk, System of equations with random set parameters, Abstracts of the Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference, The University of Texas at El Paso, Texas, March 5-6, 2010.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Conference ]
- M. Ceberio, V. Kreinovich, A. Pownuk, and BarnabĀ“as Bede, Constraints-related set computations: a new fem-motivated approach to propagating uncertainty, Abstracts of the Second International Conference on Finite Element Methods in Engineering and Science, Reno, Nevada, Dec. 2009.
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- A. Pownuk, M.A. Jankowska, and N. K. Ramunigari, Applications of higher order monotonicity tests to the solution of equations with the interval parameters, Abstracts of the Constraint Solving Workshop CoProD 2009, El Paso, Texas, November 9-10, 2009.
[ pdf file - presentation ]
[ link to Conference ]
- A. Pownuk, Calculating risk of cost in civil engineering projects by using imprecise probability and the theory of soft sets, Abstracts of the 6th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 7, 2009.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- A. Pownuk and M. Ortiz, Topological derivative and its applications to the modeling of uncertainty and optimization, Abstracts of the 5th Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences. Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 4th, 2009.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, Mathematical aspects of grading students' homework in on-line web applications, Abstracts of the 4th Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences, El Paso, Texas, November 8, 2008.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Workshop ]
- M. Ceberio, V. Kreinovich, and A. Pownuk, From interval computations to constraint-related set computations: towards faster estimation of statistics and ODEs under interval and p-box uncertainty constraint programming and decision making, Abstracts of the Workshop Constraint Programming and Decision Making, El Paso, Texas, October 3-4, 2008.
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- M.V. Rama Rao, A. Pownuk, and D. Moens, Stress analysis of a doubly reinforced concrete beam with uncertain structural parameters, Abstracts of the 13th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations, El Paso, TX, September 29 - October 3, 2008.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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- M.V. Rama Rao, A. Pownuk, and R.L Muhanna, Modeling of failure surface of a reinforced concrete slab with fuzzy loading - an interval approach, Abstracts of the 13th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations, El Paso, Texas, USA, September 29 - October 3, 2008.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Conference ]
- A. Pownuk and N.K. Goud Ramunigari, Application of order-preserving functions to the modelling of computational mechanics problems with uncertainty, Abstracts of the 13th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations, El Paso, Texas, September 29 - October 3, 2008.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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[ link to Conference ]
- A. Pownuk and A. Rivera, Sensitivity analysis of truss and frame structures with uncertain geometry, Abstracts of the 3rd Joint NMSU/UTEP Workshop on Mathematics and Computer Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, April 26, 2008.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
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[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, General Interval FEM Program Based on Sensitivity Analysis Method, Abstracts of the 2nd Joint UTEP/NMSU Workshop on Mathematics and Computer Science, El Paso, Texas, November 17, 2007.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
[ link to Workshop ]
- A. Pownuk, Numerical solution of FEM equations with uncertain functional parameters, Abstracts of the Conference FEMTEC , El Paso, TX, December 11-15, 2006.
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- I. Skalna, M.V. Rama Rao, and A. Pownuk, Systems of fuzzy equations in structural mechanics, Abstracts of the FEMTEC, El Paso, TX, December 11-15, 2006.
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- M. Betkowski and A. Pownuk, Applications of the fuzzy algebra for predicting of the financial risk in civil engineering projects (in Polish), Abstracts of the Scientific Conference “Polish Civil Engineering One Year After Accession of Poland to the European Union”, Gdansk, Poland, 9-11 June, 2005.
[ pdf file ]
- M. Betkowski and A. Pownuk, Concept of the random variable with fuzzy parameters and their applications for estimation of the financial risk of civil engineering projects (in Polish), Abstracts of the Scientific Conference “Polish Civil Engineering One Year After Accession of Poland to the European Union”, Gdansk, Poland, 9-11 June, 2005.
[ pdf file ]
- M. Betkowski and A. Pownuk, Estimation of the financial risk of civil engineering project by using fuzzy random variables and Monte Carlo Simulations (in Polish), Abstracts of the Scientific Conference “Polish Civil Engineering One Year After Accession of Poland to the European Union', Gdansk, Poland, 9-11 June, 2005.
- A. Pownuk, Worst case finite element computations, Abstracts of the COCONUT meeting, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 14-16 April, 2003.
[ COCONUT (COntinuous CONstraints - Updating the Technology) ]
- A. Pownuk, Numerical solutions of fuzzy partial differential equations and its application in computational mechanics, Abstracts of the Workshop on Assessment and New Directions for Research, Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations, Fuzzy Relational Equations, Fuzzy Difference Equations. BISC Program, University of California-Berkeley, California, USA, March 15-17, 2002.
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- A. Pownuk, Modeling of structures with taking into account uncertainty of the parameters. Abstracts of the XLI Symposium Modeling in Mechanics, Poland, 2002.
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- A. Pownuk, Reliability of structures with fuzzy parameters (in Polish). Abstracts of the XL Symposium Modeling in Mechanics, Poland, 205-206, 19-23 February, 2001.
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- A. Pownuk, New inclusion functions in the interval global optimization (in Polish), Abstracts of the XL Symposium Modeling in Mechanics, Poland, 207-208, 19-23 February, 2001.
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- A. Pownuk, New inclusion functions in interval global optimization of engineering structures, Abstracts of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cracow, 460-461, 26-29 June, 2001.
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[ pdf file - abstract ]
- A. Pownuk, Design of systems with uncertain parameters (in Polish), Abstracts of the Symposium Durability of Structures, Kamien Slaski, Poland, 14-15, 2-3 July, 2001.
- A. Pownuk, Applications of regular interval Jacobian matrics for modling of mechanical structures with the interval parameters (in Polish), Abstracts of the XXXIX Symposium Modeling in Mechanics, Wisla, Poland, 269-270, 2000.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
- A. Pownuk, Calculation of reliability of structures using fuzzy sets theory, Abstracts of the 32nd Symposium on Mathematical Physics with special session “Symmetries in Nonlinear Systems", Torun, Poland, June 6-10, 2000.
[ pdf file - poster ]
- A. Pownuk, Calculation of displacement in elastic and elastic-plastic structures with interval parameters, Abstracts of the 33rd Solid Mechanics Conference (SolMech2000), Zakopane, Poland, 160-161, 5-9 September, 2000.
[ presentation ]
- A. Pownuk, Applications of sensitivity analysis for modeling of structures with uncertain parameters, Abstracts of the International Conference on Interval Methods in Science and Engineering “Interval'2000”, Karlsruhe, Germany, 116-117, 2000.
[ pdf file - abstract ]
- M. Jasinski and A. Pownuk, Modeling of Heat Transfer in Biological Tissue by Interval FEM, Abstracts of the 14th Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (PCCMM'99), Rzeszow, Poland, 127-128, May 26-29, 1999.
- A. Pownuk, Optimization of Mechanical Structures using Interval Analysis, 14th Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (PCCMM'99), Rzeszow, Poland, May 26-29, 301-302, 1999.
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- A. Pownuk, Applications of Regular Interval Jacobian Matrices to Calculation Extreme Values of Mechanical Quantities, Abstracts of the Workshop Reliable Computations and Interval Algebra, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 27-29, 1999.
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